Something I’ve been dabbling with lately…

I’ve recently started working on a few Fallout-related craft projects, the results of which can be seen below. It all started when I started putting my Fallout-related books on a bookshelf after we moved into our new house. I didn’t have enough to fill a whole shelf, so I decided to get a set of bookends to hold them up. After I got the bookends from Amazon, I got to thinking that they needed to have a bit of a Fallout feel to fit in with the books. After a quick trip to the hardware store for a can of blue spray paint and a couple of Vault-Tec decals from Esqueezey on Etsy, I had a nice set of Vault-Tec bookends.

The Bookends came out so well that I decided to turn my American Lifetime Day Clock into something you’d expect to find in a Vault-Tec office or even in one of the Vaults.

Then, after sharing these projects with some friends I play Fallout 76 with, one of them asked me to make them a pair of Nuka Cola bookends, and I happily obliged.

I’ve never been one to do a lot of crafts in the past, but I’ve really enjoyed these, so I may do more in the future. If I do, I will try to remember to share them here.

2 thoughts on “Something I’ve been dabbling with lately…

  1. I have been look for fallout bookends like this for the kitchen! How much would it cost to get these made? The one that says fallout on it?

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